Best no log VPN service | Tested and Verified affordable VPNs
VPN services have become extremely popular and important as the people have started realizing the significance of their online privacy and security along with the threats. The privacy of netizens is always on the line as there are numerous third parties, advertisers, and authorities trying their best to get their data and keep them under the radar. In all this mess, the best way out for the privacy focused users is to use a VPN.
However, not all VPNs are good enough to protect the privacy of these users. There are many important factors which the users need to analyze before using a VPN including the encryption, security features, VPN protocols, headquarter, and more. But among all these, one of the most significant factor is whether the VPN service keeps any logs or they have a strict no log policy. Here we are going to discuss everything about VPN logging and we will also disclose the best no logs VPN services which are true to users’ privacy and actually effective in protecting it, rather than invading it.
What is VPN logging?
When you connect a VPN, then all of your internet traffic passes through the VPN network and if your VPN provider wish to track and record your data or activities, they can easily do it. Not only this, they can also sell that tracked data or your internet activities to the advertisers and more third party entities which are interested in it.
If a VPN wish to lie about the logging policy then the user cannot even know if they are being tracked by their own VPN service which they have bought or installed to protect their own privacy. So, a VPN service must be trusted, reliable and worthy to be trusted that they do not track any data of the user.
Additionally, many VPN services claim to keep no activity logs, but they do keep connection logs in the name of service improvements and troubleshooting. These connection logs can also reveal the true identity of the user which kills the whole purpose of being anonymous on the web.
Why a VPN service should have a strict no logs policy?
Now you know what VPN logging is and how dangerous it can be for your privacy on the web. In order to completely protect your privacy using a VPN service, you need to make sure that the VPN service you are choosing have a strict zero logs policy which include both, activity logs and connection logs.
Even the minimal connection logs can help authorities or any entity track back to the user’s real identity which has happened in the past with some very popular services namely, HideMyAss, PureVPN and a few more. So, in order to stay completely private, go for a VPN service which actually keeps no logs and has a good reputation so that you can trust that service with your privacy. In the next section, we are going to tell you about these best no log VPN services which are truly trust worthy.
The Truly Best No Log VPN list:
You must have come across many VPN services which claim to have strict no logs policy but a deeper inspection of their privacy policy suggests otherwise. Many of them do keep connection logs in the name of service improvements and troubleshooting. This sometimes is utilized to track the real identity of the user, especially when the authorities asks for it. It certainly does kill the purpose of using the VPN if somehow it can be tracked back to you.
In order to be completely private and anonymous on the web, you need to go for a completely secure, private, reliable and anonymous no log VPN service. To help you choose the truly best no log VPN services, we have analyzed and handpicked top three VPN services which are reliable and truly does not keep any logs. These VPN services are:
It is the best all-around VPN service which is highly trusted because of its genuine no log policy. ExpressVPN does not keep any logs whatsoever. So, in the case of using any data to track the real identity of the user, ExpressVPN cannot help anyone because they do not have any of that data. This is what a true no log VPN look like!
The Panama based NordVPN is another very reliable VPN service which also has a strict no logs policy. NordVPN cares a lot about its users’ privacy and it is quite active in voicing for the privacy of the internet users. It does not track or store any activity or connection log which means that the users can be completely anonymous and their activities and identities are completely private to them. It is what made them so successful in the industry!
Private Internet Access
The only negative aspect about Private Internet Access aka PIA is that it is based in the United States. However, it is one of the very rare VPN services which has been proved to have no logs. They proved it in two different cases where they were required to handover the logs of users and they did not because they could not, as they do not log anything of their users. In this matter, PIA is commendable!
These are our top no log VPN services which are extremely reliable and do not track, store or share any logs of their users. It is essentially important to check the privacy policy of the service you are going for, because the homepage claims are mainly for marketing and to attract the users. Many VPN services have complicated privacy policies which should give you the hint about their shady nature. So, if you are in need of the best no log VPN service to fully protect your privacy and be anonymous on the web, we suggest you to try our top picks out. We are sure that these three would not disappoint you regarding the logging policy or data privacy!

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